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Are you getting what you're paying for in a scopist?

If not, it's time for a switch.  Working with a scopist should be a pleasant, stress-reducing experience.  Let me show you what that feels like!  If you need more convincing, just visit my Client Accolades page to see what my other clients have said about my quality of work.  I'll also be happy to provide you with any number of references to back up my claims.  You won't find that confidence with just any scopist.

What can you expect from Premier Scoping Services?

  • Quality work at competitive rates
  • Never have to rescope a transcript again!
  • Easy to work with
  • Will go above and beyond for my clients
  • Upon return of the job, a quick scan of flags and a quick proofread is all that will be needed to finalize the job

Still not convinced?

That's okay.  E-mail me at and tell me you're still not convinced.  You can then upload a job with audio to my website, and I'll scope 10 pages for free so that you can see my quality of work without risking a thing except a few minutes' time to upload the file and review it upon return.  You have nothing to lose and everything to gain.  What are you waiting for?

Some examples of what you'll find in your search for a good scopist:

You never know what you'll get from just sifting through scopist listings. Everyone says they're good, but you know that's not true, don't you?

 Here are some excerpts taken from transcripts that other scopists have scoped and I was subsequently asked to correct:


Q    And you testified yesterday that -- correct me if I'm wrong-that [name withheld for privacy] referred to the air ^yen brotherhood, right?


Yes, you're seeing it correctly.  The "scopist" not only doesn't know what a reporter's dash is, but also failed to research a term she was unfamiliar with.  Now, do you want a scopist who is as inept as that and decides it's up to you to figure out the correct spelling or one who has the educational level to know what the Aryan Brotherhood is or will take the time to research the term to ensure it's correct in your transcript?


Here's another example of a colloquy exchange.  The scopist left it in the transcript just like this:  I mean I can go back and go through all of my files andment make sure I don't ^want to make.^


Here's how it should have read:  I mean, I can go back and go through all of my files and make sure about it.  I don't want to make a misrepresentation in this court.


Here's a good one:  Did y'all have a wait stamp No. 85.

Should be:  Did y'all have a Bates stamp No. 85?

If a scopist doesn't know what a Bates stamp is, that's your first clue to run, not to mention the fact that she doesn't know that a question gets a question mark!


I could go on and on, but I won't.  You get the picture, I'm sure.  These are the type of people advertising those low, enticing rates.  They have to charge lower rates because they're clearly incompetent.  Don't put yourself through the agony of working with scopists like these.  The goal is to get the transcript edited, finalized and to the attorneys in the shortest time frame possible.



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